Remco Helbers is a Dutch musician and sound-sculptor. From his work with psychedelic wave-band Born for Bliss, where he learned to hone his songwriting- and studiochops, to his ambientmusic he always searched for deeper levels in his music. His work with effects and loopers resulted in several independently released ambient-albums.
In 1998 Remco attended a Guitar Craft Course led by Robert Fripp, changing the way he approaches his music.
He started studying Indian classical music in 2001 and since 2005 with Ustad Bahauddin Dagar, the master of the rudra veena. He also received valuable guidance from Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar and Pandit Pushparaj Koshti.
In 2020 Remco started studying kyotaku with Agar Kyosui Noiri, a disciple of Koku Nishimura.
He has also guested on several projects, including The Gentle Storm by Arjen Lucassen and Anneke van Giersbergen.
In 2021 The Garland of Dissolution was released; a collaboration with Italian ambient legend Alio Die. The album was released on Hic Sunt Leones.